“Our mission is to provide investment advice to a limited number of clients in order to provide the best possible service and attention. We place our existing client needs before business development or prospecting. We feel that managing risk is essential to the investment management process.”

About our Mission Statement

“limited number of clients”

We will work with a maximum number of 250 client households. By comparison, we had over 800 clients at our previous firm. There are about 220 business days in a year. If we had 800 clients, that means we would have to see 3.5 clients a day, in order to see each one just once a year. By limiting the number of clients that we will work with, we have more time to review your investments and research new investment opportunities.

“best possible service”

Meeting with client’s accountants, lawyers or family members is common in order to help our clients make the best possible financial decisions. If an issue arises we will go out of our way to make it right.


“existing client needs before business development”

Our attitude is not: Find the client, get the client’s money, go find the next client. We place a premium on our time by spending it working for our clients, not hosting seminars to find new clients.

“managing risk”

This goes to the core of our investment philosophy. If we can protect investments better when markets are bad, it won’t take as long to recover when they rise again. We feel that the better we manage the risk in your portfolio, the better off your portfolio will be.